Information about Erectile Dysfunction and Treatments
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is usually connected with the harm caused to sexual performance of males. Unfortunately, many remain ignorant towards the fact that this health condition can cause physical and psychological damage as well. Add to the list the destruction it can cause to the social and family life of a man. Keep it in your mind that erectile dysfunction, also referred to as impotence, can happen to anyone, though certain conditions can increase the chances of its occurrence.
We believe that the main reason for the rising cases of erectile dysfunction is the lack of knowledge. Through this website, we wish to throw light on various aspects like what is erectile dysfunction, what are its causes and risk factors and most importantly, what treatment options are available. This page provides a general overview about the health condition and how the website intends to help millions of men suffering from it.
Introduction to Erectile Dysfunction
The simple answer to what is erectile dysfunction is that it is a condition when a man fails to attain erection of the penis required for the sexual intercourse. You must know that a penis gets erect when filled with blood, resulting from two conditions:
Physical contact by the sex partner.
Arousing sexual thoughts.
These two conditions instigate the brain to generate messages to the penile nerves that result in the rushing of blood to the soft spongy tissues of penis. Failure of the penile tissues to retain blood results in erectile dysfunction. Apart from failure to gain erection, the inability to maintain one too is considered a part of this condition.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
Not one or two, but many causes can be held for this serious health condition. Here is a list of the most common ones:
Diabetes is counted among the main reasons for erectile dysfunction.
Certain bad lifestyle habits like smoking and alcoholism are other usual culprits for this condition.
Nerve disorders like stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and those resulting from brain and spinal cord injuries result in ED.
Surgical procedures involving prostate, colon, bladder and rectum may also cause ED. Radiation therapy can be another related cause.
Men experiencing psychological conditions like stress, anxiety, depression and mental disorders are at greater risk of ED.
Low level of testosterone, the main sex hormone in males, is another recognized cause.
Men taking certain types of medications, like NSAIDS, sedatives and blood pressure medicines, may also end up attaining erectile dysfunction.
Other causes include potassium deficiency, growing age, long sitting hours and lack of physical activities.

Statistics related to erectile dysfunction are on rise because of the two important reasons:
Men these days are more subjected to harmful products like drugs, tobacco, alcohol and particulates and undesirable conditions like stress, depression, diabetes, colon damage and many more.
As compared to the previous generations, men today are more open to talk about their sexual disorders.
Here are some statistics that have come up through the recent studies and surveys:
One among 10 men suffers from ED worldwide.
The United States alone have more than 30 million men suffering from ED.
More than half of the male diabetic patients show ED.
Habitual male smokers are at 50% higher risk of attaining ED than non-smokers.
Risk Factors with Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction acts as a catalyst for many deadly health conditions. ED, if left undiagnosed or untreated can cause various heart problems. The inability of a man to satisfy his partner can lead to the mental stress and depressions. Social embarrassment is another devastating effect of this health condition. More importantly, it can disrupt the family life and can be a reason for divorce among the married couples.
Diagnosis and Treatments
ED can be diagnosed with the help of a number of tests, some of which include:
Nocturnal penile tumescence
Dynamic infusion cavernosometry
Magnetic resonance angiography
Duplex ultrasound
Penile biothesiometry and many more
It is important that you visit a medical expert as soon as you find issues in gaining or maintaining erection. Another important thing is to distinguish between physiological and psychological ED. Based on the diagnoses of aspects like libido, sexual history, overall physical and mental health and whether you suffer from mild or severe ED, the following treatments may be recommended to you:
Oral medications
Natural sex enhancement products like Viagra and Levitra.
Intra-cavernosal injections
Placement of pellets in urethra
Penis pumps
Penis implants
Surgical procedures
Explore more information about the various treatment procedures and find reviews on various ED treatment products on our website. We make all possible efforts to update useful information for our male readers to ensure that they re-discover the path of sexual empowerment.