Multiple theories are advanced by experts regarding the causes of impotence but no uniformly acceptable theory is still available. While some of the experts consider the erectile dysfunction to be completely psychological syndrome others believe that there could be problems in diet, hormonal balances, stress and strains, or habits of smoking, drinking, and drug abuses. Since many physicians and experts believe impotence to be result of vitamin deficiency; they try treating it with food / vitamins for impotence.

Obtaining Medical Advice

If someone suffering from the impotency problems is trying to resolve it with vitamins for impotence, it is essential that such person consults and obtains the advice of the physician before doing so. Since the physicians knows how to deal with the specific anatomic structure of the man in question, he would be in best position to give appropriate advice on use of vitamins for impotence.

Here are some useful suggestions on using vitamins for impotence that have been approved by experts and clinical tests.

Consuming approximately 250 mg of Niacin or Vitamin B3 helps increase blood flow within the body and to the pennies;
Zinc can boost testosterone levels in the body increasing sexual desire and is widely used for treatment of impotence. But it can also cause many problems and medical advice before using it is a must. Conversely obtaining required amount of zinc from sunflowers and pumpkin seeds could help and is safer than using synthetic drugs containing zinc;
Consuming Vitamin C in adequate quantity can increase the prostate in the body and helps recover from impotence. Around 2000 mg of it could be ideal and the best way is to get vitamin C from herbal components.
Vitamin that helps in healing process most is Vitamin E and it contains large quantities of prostate. Only 500 IU of vitamin E can enhance the prostrate levels in the body and can cure impotence.

Vitamins for Impotence

Thousands of men are using some vitamin or other for treatment of impotence. A recent E.D medication study has brought out the rather disturbing fact that impotence can also bring up side effects like permanent blindness and deafness, many people are also searching for home made solutions and vitamins for impotence. Since use of vitamins is rather simple, it is also one of the most popular treatments for erectile dysfunction.

Why Vitamins are Used

Vitamins for impotence are used because they are naturally good for health and well being of men and women;
Many people do not know that there are other vitamins like B3 and E that helps treat impotence and refer only to vitamin C as the savior; and
With growing number of research the consumer awareness is also growing and many people now know the use of vitamins for impotence prevention;

According to studies conducted by scientists reveal that not only vitamin C but vitamin A at 10,000-25,000 IU in combination with 1000mg at 3x per day of vitamin C and supplements like zinc and inositol hexaniacinate and vitamin B complex is the ideal vitamins for impotence.

1 in 10 men  worldwide suffer some degree of ED, but it doesn't have to be like that. Treatments are now able to help reverse erectile dysfunction. provides information, research, products, and treatment information for men with erectile dysfunction. This content is compiled by non-medical professionals, is not medical advice, and is intended for educational purposes. The information provided is meant to complement and not replace any information from your doctor. There are affiliate links where can receive commission if you purchase something through those links.
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